
The Quest to Celebrate Our Happily Ever After

Happy Valentine’s Day to all who celebrate.

Even though many describe Valentine’s day as a purely commercial holiday it does have a history that goes back all the way to a 269AD martyrdom of a roman priest by the name of Valentine who was later sainted by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496 and celebrated as the Feast of Saint Valentine on February 14.

It wasn’t until the 14th century that Valentine’s day began to be connected with what was considered romantic love. Even though in recent centuries the holiday became more commercial it still has a long history although not all of it was connected with romance.

Regardless of its origins my Hubby and I have always celebrated this day even though he believes it’s more for me than for him I always still look forward to having a romantic date night with him and to just celebrate us.

Last year due to COVID we couldn’t really leave the house as vaccinations had only just started being rolled out for only those 65 and older and we did not want to expose ourselves, so we ordered dinner to be delivered by Carrabas and the two of us enjoyed a romantic candlelight dinner for two in our library.

Even though it was a nice evening it was not the same as being able to go to a restaurant and being able to enjoy some time away from home and being served. Even though we did not make any reservations or plans for tonight we are hoping to have a nice romantic dinner out.