Mental Health

The Quest to Stand My Ground

Today has been another real busy day at work which will probably leave me no time to work on my personal projects again but today something is different.

The past couple of weeks I’ve been taking some training at work in regards to effective challenge, meaning how I can more effectively drive the way I interact with people I work with and this was really eye opening.

The reason I am feeling good today was because i had a meeting with people that had very aggressive and assertive personalities and instead of letting them take control of my call i held my own, kept control of the meeting and was able to drive the conversation to ensure we had some decisions made and actions in place.

This meeting was just a small part of conversations that have been taking place for about 9 months, and when we finally had a resolution in sight new folks come into the picture with the intent of rehashing old news. I am proud of myself that I steered the conversation to where it needed to be and in the end I only had to compromise a little.

Yay Me!