Although the session did not go for long and was more of an introduction I have officially begun to run my own tabletop campaign thanks to the creators at Gooey Cube. Although I did run a short one-shot adventure about a couple of years ago this is my first time really starting a campaign.
A part of me was worried that I would not be able to role play very well, that I would be too shy to be a Dungeon Master or not be confident enough, I think I did really well with doing different voices for the NPCs which for me was surprising. I do need to get better about improvising, I find that there were a couple of times where I got stumped.
When I am reading from the adventure book I need to be better at storytelling, It’s been a long time since I’ve had to read out loud to others so with everything else I will get better with time. I am afraid that I may come off as boring and I am hoping that next time I will be more confident.
With all that said I know the start of the campaign was not as smooth as I was hoping but my players were having fun and enjoying themselves while also getting immersed into the story and the characters they chose to play.
We are currently committed to one day a month which I know does not seem like a lot but it is, unfortunately, all we have time for at the moment. Maybe when things slow down and I have access to better online tools we may be able to hold more sessions and be able to do them virtually.
But this is a decent start and the next session should be longer.