
The Quest to Hope for the Halcyon’s Success

Why am I so excited about the upcoming Galactic Starcruiser trip? Is it because my hubby and I huge Star Wars fans? Of course, but because I hope that the experience will be successful. If it is I hope that this will open the doors for other such experiences.

Maybe Universal will build Hogwarts and invite muggles to visit, or maybe someone will build a theme park dedicated to Lord of the Rings and Rivendell will be one of the hotels. I know you can travel to New Zealand and visit the Shire but imagine if it was an immersive experience.

Even though my expectations are set really high for this experience I am hoping it will blow me away. I want it to be successful so other companies will see that a fully immersive environment is what all geeks want and need.

I want to be able to attend classes at Hogwarts or play quidditch, go on quests in middle earth and visit the places in the movies. personally, I think the possibilities are endless when it comes to immersive experiences. Whether it is a physical place like the Galactic Starcruiser or in a virtual environment I want to see more role-play options.

As geeks, I think many of us daydream about escaping into the fandoms that we love so much and thanks to Disney I will be able to dive into the Star Wars Universe.