Mental Health

The Quest to Find Spiritual Meaning in My Fandoms

I sometimes wondered why I love Star Wars so much, although there are many fandoms that I really love there are a few that I love above all others. Stars Wars, Stargate, and the Tolkien Universe are foremost some of my most beloved fandoms.

Although I have different reasons for why I love each one of them I believe what truly draws me into the Star Wars Universe is the world-building. If I had the skills I would build my own R2D2 droid, I have my own lightsaber and I really love the mythology behind the Jedi faith. Even though I know it’s fiction I truly feel a spiritual connection when it comes to the Jedis.

But I am not here to go into a whole philosophical debate on how the Jedi faith has parallels to Christianity. It’s just as simple as it brings me joy on a personal and spiritual level.

The Tolkien universe has always fascinated me ever since I watched the animated films back in the 80s. Again it has to do with the amazing world-building that Tolkien created, even though I am short and the opposite of thin I was always in awe at the elegance and timelessness of the elves.

With Stargate it fuels my love for all things Science Fiction, and even more so it fuels my love for history and mythology.

And of course, I would be remiss to not mention Star Trek, one of my favorite things about Star Trek is not only the storytelling but the introduction of the holodeck I always imagined a world where such technology existed so I could live out any story I wanted.