Mental Health

The Quest to Have a Productive Week

Today I went to the office intent on having a productive day, I started out by making my To-Do list and prioritizing the items I wanted to get today versus what needed to get done this week.

Today I was able to stay focused and get through more than half of my list, my focus for the next couple of days will be on wrapping up the rest of my tasks. Although my work this week is busier than usual I am more than happy to take on the extra work now so I will have more bandwidth at the end of the quarter to catch up on other tasks.

This week I seem to be filled with motivation and focus and I hope that when I do my art and craft projects I will still have that same focus.

Even though my work day was busy and I was tired when I got home, I rememberred to not only blog today but I also rememberred to right in my journal and it made me happy.