Being Creative

The Quest to Build a Haunted Mansion Dollhouse…A New Wing is Added

So thanks to a seller on eBay I was able to acquire a third Dollhouse to add to the other two I have already been working on. I think I got lucky that I was able to find another Ashland Tiny Treasure dollhouse from last year’s Christmas collection from Michael’s. Lucky that this seller had an extra they didn’t need.

It arrived yesterday and I put it all together last night before I went to bed so the glue can cure overnight. Today I spent the day adding the exterior facade and all the flooring and wallpaper on the inside. I modified the roof so the new wing can sit flush against the rest of the house.

I used my new Dremel to make some pilot holes and added hinges to the sections, now the new wing is attached and can be opened or closed against the rest of the dollhouse. I was kind of scared to use the new Dremel and I am actually kind of proud of myself that I was able to follow through with my idea. The only thing I did not anticipate is that the screws used for the hinges are slightly longer than the walls so I will need to cut them back with my hacksaw.

Tomorrow all my focus will be on finishing up the interiors, my hopes are that I will be able to get most of it completed with the exception of a couple of pieces of furniture. I am really looking forward to displaying it for Halloween. There are some spooky elements I plan on adding to the dollhouse and with Halloween coming soon I’m hoping it should be easy enough to score a few pieces.