Mental Health

The Quest to Realize that Happiness and Not Growth is the Purpose in Life

Last few days I have been experiencing some anxiety and unexplained sadness despite the fact that I am on vacation and I have tons of time to myself to do whatever I want. Despite this, I have still been trying as I always do to focus every day on the things that make me happy, it’s how I can these rare sad days nothing but a blip in my memory.

Honestly, days like these tend to be few and far between, focusing on the happy things means that weeks or months from now I won’t even remember these days, they won’t leave a scar. This is what the power of positive affirmation brings, someone recently posted a quote that the purpose of life is not happiness but rather experience and growth and that will in turn bring happiness.

As much of a nice thought as that is I do not agree with it. Growth and experience are great things in life but that alone will not bring happiness. Happiness is something you need to find and discover for yourself. Happiness is not defined by your growth but growth can be defined by how happy you are.

I chose to be a happier person, I chose to focus on the things in my life that bring me joy. By making that conscious decision I was able to grow in my art, grow at my job, and grow in my personal interactions with others.

That growth has also improved my experiences in my day to day to life. Focusing on my happiness first is what brings everything else.