Bunny Health

Knowing Change is Needed: The Struggle to Find Where to Start

While setting up Halloween decorations rekindled my spirit for the season, it didn’t exactly make me feel good physically. Oddly enough, it wasn’t from assembling heavy décor, climbing ladders, or constantly bending over. No, I managed to pull a muscle by simply stepping on a tree root the wrong way. That little mishap reminded me of how out of shape I’ve become.

Over the past week, I’ve been more aware of just how much my physical fitness has declined. Sure, my husband and I take daily walks, usually covering about a mile and a half, but that’s clearly not enough. My back aches most days, I wake up feeling stiff, and I’m winded after the smallest bursts of physical activity.

The solution seems simple: eat better and exercise more. But, of course, it’s easier said than done. Building new habits is hard. Finding the motivation and time to exercise more, and making the effort to eat healthier, both require intentional planning and consistency.

Then there’s the overwhelming part: where do I even begin? There are so many exercise programs out there, each claiming to be the best. Just in the past week, I’ve come across countless fitness plans, and it feels impossible to figure out which one is right for me. Should I join a gym, or stick to home workouts with instructor-led videos? The choices feel endless and confusing.

I know changes need to be made, but the question I’m still trying to answer is: where do I start?

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