Happy Bunny Tales-

Being Creative

Halcy-con: Keeping the Galactic Starcruiser Magic Alive

In less then 2 weeks my husband and I will be attending Halcy-Con A 2-Day Super Fan Event for those who loved the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser. This will be a great oppurtunity to relax and see friends I have not seen in a while.

Even though the Galactic Starcruiser no longer sails through the stars, its spirit remains very much alive through the passion of its fans. Halcy-con is a testament to the love that people have for this one-of-a-kind experience, and it offers a way for that magic to continue. Through this convention, the community is able to keep the adventure alive, and share their stories.

There are countless events I’m excited for at Halcy-con, like the Lightsaber Training sessions, insightful panels with former cast members, fan meetups, and vendors offering exclusive one-of-a-kind Starcruiser-inspired merchandise.

One of the things I’m most thrilled about is the Art Exhibit. The moment I heard there would be one, I couldn’t wait to get started on a special resin art piece, drawing inspiration from my previous galaxy-themed creations. In my excitement, I actually ended up making not one, but two unique pieces!

Which one do you like more?

Both pieces are titled: Celestial Voyage: Odyssey of the Halcyon

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