Mental Health

The Quest to Find the Good in the Bad…But Not Really All That Bad

Well so much for our upcoming trip, even though we are out of quarantine and no longer contagious I’m still not 100% and we decided that it would be best to not go on a trip where more often than not I would be out in the Florida heat. It’s bad enough I’m probably going to have a lingering cough for about a month, adding triple-digit temperatures to that would not be good for my recovery.

I should be disappointed about the trip cancellation and I am a little bit because I was looking forward to being at Disney and spending time with my friends but my health is more important and I know that physically we were not ready for this trip. At the end of the day, there will be other opportunities for a Disney trip.

But on the bright side we decided to still take the time off, we have too many vacation days as it is, we can utilize this time to rest and finish recovering. I’m also going to use this time to work on some of my projects, a nice four-day weekend working on the things that make us happy is a good way for us to spend our time.

I’m sure my husband will do some training for his music composition or animation while I plan on working on my Stargate build. And maybe I will try to find some time to play some video games.