Mental Health

The Quest to Read a Good Book…Again

I haven’t done a ton of reading lately, I have a ton of books on my kindle I haven’t read and at least a dozen physical books in my bookcase that are also waiting for my attention. So when I felt like finally reading I turned to one of my new favorites that I have already read a couple of times.

The first time I heard of Ready Player One was the Steven Spielberg film. It was after we had watched the movie of which I absolutely loved I decided to read the book. As an ubergeek who grew up in the 80’s it’s no wonder that I instantly felt I could relate to the book, reading it brings me back to my childhood while at the same time hoping that something like the Oasis will become reality in my lifetime.

I think we all have our go-to books just like we have our go-to movies or TV shows we like to watch.

Believe it or not, it’s because they feel safe, when we are feeling anxious or stressed out it’s easier to watch or read something that we’ve already digested. Watching a new show or reading a new book can be exciting but that can sometimes also make us anxious as the drama unfolds.

What is one of your favorite books to read?