Mental Health

The Quest to I Wish I Didn’t Feel Old and Busted

I got up this morning feeling energized and highly motivated, I planned on working on my Stargate build and going out during my lunch break to maybe shop for some Halloween decorations. Thanks to a friend I also received my first ever box from Hello Fresh and I was planning on cooking one of the recipes today.

And then I bent over while working on the Stargate and threw my back out.

Now I can’t bend over, lay down, or sit in a chair without my lower back screaming at me. So my work area has been converted to a standup desk and I’m working standing up and walking every so often so my feet won’t hurt. I took painkillers, got a topical pain ointment, and I’m wearing a lidocaine patch.

tomorrow I was also planning on going to Disney but now I can’t even imagine being in a car for more than a few minutes let alone an hour or more. I am also accepting the fact that I’m more than likely going to have a bad night.

It’s days like this where I feel like something is telling me to slow down and don’t overdo things. Even though I feel like my physical limits these days are building up more and more and the things I can do are less and less. All I did today was bend over while doing a task that wasn’t even a ton of work.

Maybe this is just my life now, most days I’m fine and I get to do the things I like and some days I’ll just have to accept that my physical limits may prevent me from doing even the lightest of tasks.