Mental Health

The Quest to Have Your Hard Work Recognized

Today has been a great day because I received some really good news at work. The news makes me happy because I feel like the hard work I am putting in is being recognized and appreciated.

I ended up spending part of the day working out new ways where I can contribute to our processes, improve our communication and reporting. The truth of the matter is that when you value your employees and appreciate them and the work they do the more they will be inspired to be more productive and work harder.

I will honestly admit that in the past I’ve worked jobs where my supervisor had no respect for me and others I worked with and we ended up doing the bare minimum to get our job done, we felt that putting in any extra effort was not worth our time our energies.

A sign of a good supervisor is one who listens, appreciates the work you do, especially if you are going above and beyond, and encourages you to do better and to challenge yourself, A good manager is also one who holds themselves and their teams accountable for the things they do.

I am blessed that I work with a great manager and a great team.