
The Quest to Find My Christmas Spirit

I’m almost done putting out the indoor Christmas decorations today. While yesterday I had no energy today I have it to spare. I really do love this time of year, the more decorations I put out the cozier my home feels and the more I get into the Christmas Spirit.

I am already thinking about the batches of Christmas cookies and other desserts I’ll make as well as making a pot of homemade hot chocolate. Of enjoying a hot pot of tea in the evening while watching Christmas specials on TV while wearing my cozy onesies.

Part of what brings me joy this time of year is driving around the neighborhoods and seeing all of the Christmas lights. I also love going to Disney and seeing the parks all decorated as well. Even though our annual Biltmore trip is not taking place until the first week of January the Christmas festivities will still be going on and I even hope that there might be a chance it will snow while we are up there.

This will more than likely be one of those years that I will want to get most if not all of the Christmas shopping out of the way early just so I can sit back, relax and enjoy the Holidays without dealing with the stress of the holiday shopping.

Bring on the spiked eggnog!