
The Quest to Heal My Sword Arm Continues

Last night was a bit rough as my elbow with the partially torn tendon was hurting to the point where it affected my sleep, I know it was due to the weather, it was rainy and cold and I could really feel it. I even threw on my elbow brace hoping it would alleviate some of the aches but it did not help at all.

It’s frustrating because this is one of those injuries that just require patience before it will fully heal. The Orthopedic surgeon I met with told me to just do some simple low-impact stretching exercises and it could take about a year and a half to heal.

I know it probably wasn’t just the weather, I did laundry on Monday, folded and put away clothes, made two pieces of art, and also played my video game for a few hours. It’s possible the repetitive motions also aggravated the aches.

I thought I knew what my physical limitations were but I did not expect that they would change or increase or maybe I did not correctly identify what my limitations were and I need to continue to work on that.

Last year I had to take a break from my video game for about a month in order to rest my arm and my hubby thought maybe I should take a break from it again which made me sad but I know he is just looking out for me.

I also need to realize that it’s not just that I need help when it comes to lifting anything heavy but also when I’m doing repetitive tasks. I need to learn that it is ok to ask for help and that sometimes I need to be patient if tasks don’t get done right away.