
The Quest to See a Daydream Come Alive

Today started out like any other Monday, but I am currently brimming with happiness because of a discovery I made earlier today.

I found a minimum of 3 baby bunnies in the plant bed in front of our house this morning, I believe this is why we have been spotting a brown adult bunny in our backyard lately, I assume this is the momma. But even more amazing was one of the babies that were about to be scared off let me pick him up and I placed him back with his siblings.

Although we have had many bunny sightings in our neighborhood over the years I have never seen baby bunnies that small. As I am sure there is a nest under our foxtail fern I informed everyone in the house to tread lightly out front of the house so we don’t disturb them. The babies had their eyes opened and were moving around so it probably won’t be long till they venture out for themselves.

I can honestly say that during our many walks around the neighborhood I always had a daydream that one day one of those wild bunnies we would spot would not be scared of me and instead of running away from me would come up to me to say hi, and today although it did not come up to me the baby bunny let me hold him for a few seconds long enough to get it back to its siblings.

When I encountered the baby bunnies I was instantly reminded of all the articles that I have seen pop up in my news feed on what to do or not do when you encounter baby bunnies in the spring, so for those who need reminding, I have included a video linked below.