
The Quest to Pack for Our Galactic Cruise

After resting yesterday, today my arms felt better. I decided that I would get most of the packing completed today for our upcoming trip as I wanted to focus on healing up my arms in the days leading up to our trip.

Whenever we went on any long trips I always had the tendency of leaving most of our packing to be done the day before we left which of course meant I was tired before we left anywhere. Today I took care of the packing a whole week before our trip. Although there are a handful of items that will have to wait to be packed the bulk of it is done.

This trip will be interesting as it has two parts that we will be enjoying with our best friends, one will be traveling through space on the Halcyon Galactic Starcruiser and the other part will be relaxing at Disney Parks and going antiquing.

This is a trip we have been looking forward to ever since Disney first made announcements that they were building an all-inclusive role-playing Star Wars experience. I know that I have mentioned many times that anticipation is a big part of what can make us happy and there has been a lot of anticipation for this trip.

It helped that this trip needed a lot of planning, many items were acquired, while other items were crafted and created and making sure that everything we planned was confirmed and all set to go. This trip was stressful to plan at times but in the end, it all worked out and we are excited about this adventure.