Mental Health

The Quest to Become Debt Free… Another Dragon Horde Bites the Dust

It really feels fantastic when I have an opportunity to obliterate another Dragon Horde. Our Quest to become debt-free will not be over this year or even the next or the one after that but I feel like we have so much progress in so little time.

At the beginning of the year, I was able to take care of a ton of smaller hordes all at once and now I am tackling the bigger ones, most of them will be taken care of in the next 12 months and then next year will be the mother of all Dragon Hordes, the big Boss fight also known as our mortgage.

When I first started this quest in 2021 it seemed like it would take forever to even get this far and now it feels like the quest will be achieved in no time. This week my husband and I finally pulled our latest credit reports to see our scores had shot up higher than they have ever been. We are finally seeing a positive impact of the hard work and sacrifices we are making.

I almost feel like with every dragon horde I take care of it’s like dealing with a side quest, with each completed side quest my character levels up, and by the time I tackle the Final Boss, it will be scared of me.

Bring it On!