Mental Health

The Quest to Not Feel Overwhelmed By Sidequests and Missions

I’m pretty sure the next few weeks will not be easy, between a lot of tasks at work, scheduled training, a long personal to-do list, and other plans I feel like I may not have much time to myself in the next few weeks.

At work, we are approaching quarter end which means my workload will increase and remain constant at least for the next several weeks. Add to that at least 8 to 10 hours of scheduled training and I’ll be surprised if I have any time to just relax.

At home, I have not begun any new big art or craft projects so I can try to catch up on a few things and also get through my massive to-do list. I still have the outdoor Halloween decorations to put out, which have been delayed due to tons of rain. A lot of chores inside the house that I need to catch up on, summer is almost over and I’m still not done with spring cleaning. The garage is a mess…again.

With all of that, we also have plans in the next several weeks, we have 3 football home games to attend, plans with friends, possible dinner with coworkers, and Doctor’s appointments we can’t miss which I’m sure will also result in more activities like labs.

Thankfully this will lead to an upcoming Disney Cruise we are doing in mid-October, this cruise is not only a trip we are really excited about but it’s also a cruise that we desperately need as it will be a time we can just lay back and relax and not worry about anything except what time dinner will be served.

So on top of all of the above, I need to make sure that I am also working on my self-care, continue with my journaling, and focus on my positive reinforcement. Although I do try to stay on top of it I find that some days I will forget to do my journaling or decide to catch up on it the next day, this morning is one of those days. I am grateful that over the past few years I have been building habits that help me stay on track with my positive reinforcement so I can continue to be a happier me.