Mental Health

The Quest to Walk the Path of Frodo Baggins

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Earlier this year there was a virtual challenge I wanted to do but I didn’t do it at the time because I was either too busy or too tired to try something new.

But with the weather now truly getting cooler and things starting to quiet down just a little I finally seem to have the time and the energy to get back on track. Although my hubby and I have been walking most days we were not walking enough. It was not because we were being lazy but because work and our own projects were sapping what little time and energy we had.

I’m not considering this a new year’s resolution because that implies that we are jumping on the loose weight bandwagon, the honest truth is that we are doing a lot of the right things already, we just need to step up a notch.

And how are we stepping it up a notch you say?

I joined the Lord of the Rings Virtual Challenge by The Conqueror Virtual Challenges. I thought would it not be a fun way to exercise if I paired it with one of my favorite fandoms, Tolkien.

Not only is the entire challenge themed after the Lord of the Rings, but the app will also help me to stay accountable and to have clear goals and objectives.

I feel like this now is the ultimate quest, I will virtually be following the same path as Frodo as he makes his way to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring.