Mental Health

The Quest to Daily Blog Again

I really should get back into the habit of blogging every day, I’ve gotten lazy with this and I think It has made me complacent, it means I am not being as mindful about myself as I should be, and even journaling has been lazy. Although I still journal every day I find some days I am catching up for 1 or 2 missed days.

I really need to get better about this, even if all I’m posting is one sentence about what made me happy today then I need to do that. If it’s a quick post about what I’m currently working on or just a quick post about the fact that on this particular day, I feel like doing nothing then so be it.

Today I rewatched a movie I’ve seen many times already, Julie and Julia. This movie made me want to buy the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking, this is one of those films that always brings me joy when I watch it and on top of that it always makes me hungry.

To this date, I have only ever tried one recipe from the cookbook and that is beef bourguignon and honestly, one of my favorite dishes, watching the film reminds me that maybe I should try some of the other recipes as well.