Being Creative

Wiregrass Freshmarket!

I am so excited to announce that I will be participating in my first ever Farmers Market displaying all of my artwork.

This has been such a process as I tried to figure out the best way to showcase my art. Even though I now have an online shop, my artwork is best viewed in person. For me this has been quite a journey that could not have happened without the support of my husband as well as my family and friends. It was Jason’s idea for me to try out our local Farmers Market and i am so excited to announce that I have been pre-approved for the Market and will be in attendance on September 19th, from 10 AM to 2 PM.

I was in a transition state from 2017 until almost the end of 2019. We had so much going on and the house was in a state of chaos as things were transitioning and I had no space to really create. Then things finally started to settle down last year with our new office addition and the creative juices started flowing again. I have been so happy not just because I get to craft and create artwork but because my husband and I now have a sanctuary where we can both enjoy. It has been such a godsend with everything going on this year.

So come see me this September the 19th at the Wiregrass Farmers Market and help me celebrate my journey!