Being Creative

Assume that the Day will be a Great Day

Today was the opposite of yesterday. I have plenty of energy and even completed another piece of original artwork and included one of my favorite fandoms.

Today I’m expecting it to be an overall positive day, we have the Super Bowl tonight and our team should hopefully be winning it. Go Bucs. Picking up some catering and spending the rest of the day just relaxing and enjoying myself.

If we start our day thinking nothing but positive thoughts then hopefully that starts off on a good note. We need to assume that we are going to have a great day. How we perceive our realities makes an impact on our thought processes. If you wake up in a bad mood then what may have just been a regular day turns into a bad one.

Also always go with your gut in regards to what would make you happy, my mind is telling me to clean up my work space a little. I think that would go a long way to providing more inspiration for my artwork.