
Can Happiness Be Contagious?

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have won the Super Bowl, which of course means my hubby is a very happy man which means I am a happy wife. You can feel the positive moods in the house today.

The truth is making others happy or being able to share in someone else’s happiness does help your own happiness. It almost seems selfish in a way but it is a good kind of selfish. Bringing happiness to others while ensuring your own helps to spread positive thinking.

Once when I used to get coffee at the Dunkin Donuts I would on occasion pay for whoever was immediately behind me. I didn’t know who they were and it didn’t matter. Did it bring a smile to their face? did they pay it forward? I would like to think so.

One random time when I was driving home from work someone in a red car waved at me, once I put my window then they told me how I had paid for their coffee once and it had totally made her day. One positive thing that drove positive thinking for that person. Did she pay it forward? Did her good mood infect and rub off on others that day?

How can we infect people with happiness? When my hubby and I are walking around the neighborhood we always make it a point to say hello. When I am out and about I try to smile at people, it’s so interesting how most people you smile at have a tendency to smile back at you.

The more we spread around positive thoughts the more we become happy and hopefully others will spread that happiness.

And Congratulations to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for their super Bowl Win!