Mental Health

Dealing with Our Mental Health Does NOT Mean We are Broken

I was honestly pleased yesterday afternoon when I saw so much discussion take place on Social Media over my topic about combatting sadness. I believe that mental health issues are not talked about enough. As a result, there are people who have no one to speak to in regards to how they are trying to cope.

I believe the most common reason is that we are so afraid to be judged by others. But let me be very clear about one very important thing, dealing with mental health in no way means we are broken.

Not everyone has to seek medical assistance for their mental health but for those that do I applaud you because I know it is not easy. You feel like there is something wrong with you like you are less of a person. Or you feel guilty because you can’t do the same tasks as others. You are all Heros. You are battling every day against the worst enemy in existence in your own mind.

And for those who don’t seek help because you can’t afford it or because you feel it’s not necessary because you have a grasp about how to deal with your own mental health, you are also Heros. In some cases, it is hard to come to terms that we have a problem, or even worse we know that we have those Dragons to slay but only we can see them and those around us label us as attention seekers or drama queens. Your mental health is valid.

Whatever the degree is for your Mental health, whether you require meds or just daily positive affirmation we all need to understand that we are not broken and we deserve to be heard and understood.

Yesterday’s discussion prompted me today to create a new category on my blog and it makes sense considering this is a mental health blog. I added Mental Health for those times I speak specifically about that and not just about what is making me happy.