
Voltron Legendary Defender Head Canon

Even though today’s post may not necessarily be about mental health it definitely does impact my mental health as it makes me very happy. I’m sure we all daydream about a lot of things but is there something that tends to be in your thoughts pretty much every day? I grew up watching Voltron in the ’80s and I don’t think a day has ever gone by that I don’t think about Voltron, even if it’s for a second.

With that said there have been many adaptations and reboots over the years but none have ever caught my interest like Voltron: Legendary Defenders on Netflix. Other than it being a great show I still had a couple of major issues with it. First, Allura ends up with Lance instead of Keith. Second, Allura dies at the end of the series. And thanks to me watching Voltron in the 80’s I have always shipped Allura and Keith, back when the word shipped wasn’t even a thing.

So after the newest reboot ended I ended up creating my own headcanon on how it should have ended, so without further ado I proudly present, my headcanon.

Shortly before it’s been one year since Allura’s sacrifice Keith starts to see her in his dreams (kind of like Shiro tried to contact the Paladins when he was in the void) he can’t hear her at first but the dreams become stronger and he starts having the visions of her while he’s awake. At the same time, he starts to develop horrible headaches.

Team meets one year after Allura’s sacrifice: Image Screenshot from Voltron Legendary Defender

When they finally all get together as they do at the end of the series on Altea Keith tells them about the visions. Coran believes that the visions may mean something and Shiro thinks that maybe she could still be alive and trapped in the void as he was. Pidge quickly mentions that though Shiro was trapped in the void it was just his mind and they were able to save him thanks to the fact that there was a clone body to go back to and because his mind was linked through the black lion.

Shiro argues that Allura’s body never made it back from the void and who’s to say it isn’t still there. Pidge continues to argue about how she could have survived in the void for this long, with no food or any other sustenance. In the meantime, Keith collapses from the intense headaches that are starting to overwhelm him. Lance asks why is only Keith getting these visions when it was he who had been so close to Allura.

As Keith begins to regain consciousness he talks about how he had always loved her since the day they met and how heartbroken he was when she rejected him for a while after learning he was part Galra and then later when she chose Lance.

Keith rejected by Allura: Image Screenshot from Voltron Legendary Defender

Coran then exclaimed that he may have an answer. There is an Altean custom of soulmates. Though very rare it has been known to happen. Allura’s own parents had been soulmates.

Shiro tells Keith that he has to try to reach out to her. If there was even a small chance that she could be alive then he had to try. The paladins all stand together and concentrate until they enter the void. From this point, they focus all their energies on Keith who then is transported to yet another plane within the void.

Keith discovers the first paladins along with Lotor and Honerva all surrounding the body of Allura who is encased in a shield of light. They have somehow managed to use their own Quintescense to keep her alive all of this time.

Allura encased in light: Image Screenshot from Voltron Legendary Defender

The Quintescense allowed her to slowly gain in strength to reach out and connect with someone. That someone being a soulmate then she never realized she had.

King Alfor sees Keith and declares that he will have to fight him as he must ensure that Keith will be worthy of his daughter. As they battle King Alfor questions, Keith, about his honor and he replies with how he would protect her with his life always no matter what happens. Alfor starts attacking more aggressively and begins to accuse Keith of not truly loving his daughter. Keith responds with I have always loved her even if I did not recognize the feelings at first. King Alfor makes one final question. “Would you die for right now if I deemed you are not worthy?”

Keith Confronting Alfor: Image by Bravepaladins

“If giving my life at this moment means she’ll live on then I gladly give it.”

“You have proved yourself worthy of her, Paladin, and once more I can see the deep connections between you both, I only hope she will also recognize this. Please take care of her always.”

And then they all vanish, leaving Allura slowly waking up and looking into Keith’s face as he holds her.

Keith and Allura in the Void: Image by Bravepaladins

A sudden bright light and we are back on New Altea with Keith and Allura now in the center of where the paladins were standing. They both lose consciousness from the exertion of being in the void. They are both placed in cryotubes and allowed to recover.

Allura wakes first from the cryotube and sees Shiro standing over her. He explains everything, about how long she had been in the void how Keith had received the visions that led to her rescue. Allura is confused, she still has feelings for Lance but why was it that she was only able to connect with Keith. Shiro further explains that he believes they are soulmates.

Shiro watches over Allura: Image by Bravepaladins

Lance walks in to see how she is doing, Allura still confused won’t look him in the eye. Lance tells her “It’s ok, I think deep down inside it was always going to be you and Keith.”

“How could you know that if I didn’t? I don’t understand any of this.”

Lance asks her to remember when she had gotten so upset when she discovered Keith was part Galra. He explains that she probably felt betrayed because she thought she knew him because she had feelings for him. Allura asks him “What about us?”

Lance explains that even though he will always care for her, his heart now belonged to Nyma, they were starting a family together. Lance urged her to give Keith a chance because it’s obvious they belong together.

Allura asks Shiro about Keith. Keith has still not regained consciousness from the Cryotube, it appears that the visions took more of a toll on his mind than they all thought. As time went by Keith eventually awoke and was happy that Allura had also recovered except she seemed distant and barely spoke to him.

Allura being distant: Image Screenshot from Voltron Legendary Defender

Even though peace had returned to the universe the Voltron Paladins continued to help where they could. For even though the Galra Empire is no longer the warring people that they were other outside forces began to appear to fill the void left by the Galra Empire, the Drule Empire.

As the new empire tried to assert their dominance on the peace-faring worlds the Paladins had to once again become the Legendary Defenders of the Universe.

On a scouting mission to the outer rims planets, the paladins are in an alien marketplace in disguise. The objective is to meet with an informant who may have some intelligence on key Drule locations that if destroyed can keep the empire from getting a foothold into their territories.

Allura moves on a little ahead as they all spread out a little in order to spot their informant, as Keith searches through the crowd he spots someone suspicious. As he looks on, a hooded figure pulls out a weapon aimed at Allura.

He immediately reacts and starts running towards her, afraid he may not get to her in time. The marketplace is just too loud for him to call out to her. Shiro seeing him dart out quickly and also spots the hooded figure and orders Lance and Hunk to go after the stranger.

Keith makes it to Allura a split second before the hooded figure shoots, Keith embraces Allura and takes the full hit from the blaster straight into his back. He immediately goes limp in her arms as Allura cries out in anguish.

In the meantime, Lance and Hunk reach the hooded figure and apprehend him. Shiro finally makes it to Allura and Keith to find Allura crying. “I don’t think he’s breathing.”

Keith inujured: Image by Bravepaladins

Shiro calls out to Pidge and together they begin to perform CPR on Keith. In the distance, we hear a roar as the Black Lion knowing its Paladin is in mortal danger is arriving. Lance and Hunk take the opportunity and secure the hooded figure in the black lion. They hear Shiro over coms asking them to bring the Cryotube that is still in the cargo hold.

After a few minutes, Shiro and Pidge were successful in resuscitating Keith. As Hunk and Lance approach with the Cryotube Shiro carries Keith and puts him in the cryotube.

Allura crying over Keith in the Cryotube: Image by Bravepaladins

After they arrive back on Altea an analysis from the Cryotube shows how extensive the damage is to the spine and overall trauma to the body, the cryotube shifts from medical analysis to starting a cryostate. Confused Shiro asks Allura what’s happening.

Keith in the Cryotube: Image by Bravepaladins

Apparently, the Cryotube would not have been able to heal him quick enough before his body would give out to it initiated a Cryostate to allow more time for healing. After several weeks go by the Cryostate ends with Keith’s body now fully recovered. He is placed in a bed and regains consciousness a few days later.

We see Allura sitting by his bedside as he awakens. She apologies to him for being so distant after she came back from the void, She had been confused and unsure of what her feelings were. Keith tells her that he understands and no matter what he would always be there for her.

Allura tells him that she isn’t confused anymore, the moment when she thought she had lost him she realized that she couldn’t live without him. She feels thankful to have another chance with him and declares her love for him. Keith also declares how he had always loved her.

As time passes Keith Proposes. They get married and they live together on Altea and continue on as Voltron Paladins helping to protect against foes who threaten the peace in the universe.

Artists unknown
Image by Bravepaladins