
The Quest for the Elusive Weekend…

It’s Friday! This has been a really long week even though it was very productive and as much as I am looking forward to the weekend this Saturday is one of those very rare times when I will have to work, hopefully, the work that needs to get done will not take all day.

It frustrates me because tomorrow the weather would have been perfect for a Disney park, but instead, we will be going on Sunday when the weather will be hot again. I feel like the beautiful weather tomorrow will be wasted and will probably be the last cool day until the end of the year.

At least tomorrow despite having to work I do have a few things to look forward to, time with my family as we celebrate my Mother in laws birthday as well as Mother’s day. I should also have time to sew, and I am also making homemade ice cream for the first time ever so I do have a few things to look forward to.