Mental Health

The Quest to Let Go of Negative Thoughts and Self Doubt.

I spent part of the day today fretting about work because of one fly away comment my boss made in a meeting today that for part of the afternoon sent me into my old thought processes where I already started thinking about how I’m not doing my best, or that my boss probably thinks I’m letting him down and thinking about where I can do better or how can I go above and beyond.

A Couple of hours later I was thinking why was I making such a big deal about the comment he made, it was not meant to embarrass or demean, it was not meant to chastise in any way. It was a comment made out of frustration with a system that is broken, A system that I hope as a team we can help to improve and simplify.

So no, my boss is not sitting at home right now contemplating how I let him down, I’m pretty sure now that the thought never crossed his mind at all.

So why do we let thoughts like these bother us? Is it because deep down we feel like we are not good enough or maybe we feel like we are one tiny mistake from being fired. I think the underlying drive for these negatives thoughts is that we are worried about how others think of us.

What are some of the things you can do to let go of these negative thoughts? After a couple of hours, I got up took a breath of fresh air, told myself this does not mean anything. After a few minutes, the wind in the sails of those negative thoughts started to sputter out and now I’m already thinking about why I was making a mountain out of something that was never even a molehill.

Many years ago when my stress levels were a lot higher and negative thoughts drove my anxiety one tiny comment or mistake would drive me into a spiral of self-doubt, depression, and anxiety. I allowed others to dictate how my week would go and my whole week would be ruined, and you know what I did it all to myself.

I feel like I have come a long way from the stress-ridden person I used to be, things still bother me. The fact that I dwelled on this for two hours bothered me. But will it ruin the rest of my day or week? No, it won’t. In fact, I don’t think I plan on writing about it in my journal today because after I publish this post I am letting it go.

So be like Elsa and Let it Go!