Mental Health

The Tale of Rita the Relentless and the Quest to Find Happiness

Today I am riding on a Happy High, last night the founders of the Hero’s Journal made me the Hero Highlight of the week. This made me happy for a few reasons but most importantly for me, it’s a reminder of why I am on this Happiness Journey and how far I’ve gotten even though I still have much to accomplish.

Those who are close to me know that I am a go big or go home type of person which is why I went with the name Rita the Relentless. I started this year determined to write in my Hero’s Journal every day and to write a blog every day. And though there are times when I do struggle to find something to discuss in my blog I have not missed a beat.

I know there are folks out there who have told me you don’t have to blog every day or even write in your journal every day but for me, this is part of my journey. My focus has been to once a day think about what made me happy no matter how big or small. Through this daily focus, I improve my positive reinforcement.

By doing this daily it helps to build good habits of identifying the things that I am grateful for each day and think about the things that bring joy and happiness to my life. Today I am most grateful for Nick and Kyle of the Hero’s Journal for creating a journal that truly speaks to who I am as a person.