
The Quest to Stay Calm and Finish Packing

I spent the day packing for Dragon Con, all our regular clothes are packed as well as all our costumes, footwear, and accessories. That’s more than half the packing done all that’s left is some electronics and toiletries.

Seeing everything packed just makes it all the more real that after two years it’s finally happening, we are going back to Dragon Con. Last year Dragon Con went virtual and even though it was enjoyable and we were able to participate to some extent it just wasn’t the same.

Dragon Con is just now a part of our lives something we always look forward to every single year. We even have our routines on stuff we always like to do. For the most part, our Dragon Con schedule is pretty fluid with the exception of panels that we are on. For me, it will be Dragon Con when I hit the vendor first thing Friday morning. For some of us, it’s checking out Dragon Con TV.

Even though for the last few years we always arrive on Wednesday, Dragon Con does not officially start until Friday but that does not stop attendees from starting the geek celebration early. There will be panels, cosplayers, and get-togethers as early as Wednesday.

I will be blogging from Dragon Con each day we are there so I’ll keep you guys posted on all the amazing things we see or do during this amazing convention.