
The Quest to Prepare for Upcoming Adventures

Today is the start of another week, work is a lot quieter than it was last week, a few great things happened over the weekend, it’s still spooky season and there are many plans in the works for the next several months.

All in all, I have a lot of things to look forward to this coming holiday season and the beginning of next year. The anticipation of all these plans brings me joy and purpose.

We can enjoy the anticipation by making plans for trips or events. How can we make the time in between seem fun and joyful, what are some of the things can we do to make the anticipation of these events more joyful?

When it comes to traveling some of the things we can work on is a Packing List, we can also work out a budget so we can save for the trip, make reservations for dinner or for activities, figure out if you will drive or fly, and decide on accommodations. There are so many things to think about when you travel and being prepared is not only essential but is also half the fun.

Hosting a get-together is fun as well and can have a lot of anticipation but what can you do to make it more enjoyable? Creating a To-Do List will help, If it’s a dinner party you can work on a menu, part of the fun will be finding new and fun recipes to try and figuring out how you will serve the food. Will you be decorating? what’s the theme? Find creative ways to decorate a party.

Making plans for a meetup with friends can be so much fun in so many ways, even simple things like a date night are something you can look forward to or the release of a highly anticipated film. I know I am really looking forward to Dune coming out in a couple of weeks.

Anticipation can come in so many forms and can bring us so much joy, what are some of the things you are anticipating? what adventures are you looking forward to the most?