Mental Health

The Quest to Find Some Motivation

Lately, I feel lazy, I have not been motivated to do any art or crafts and I also feel limited because of the partially torn tendon in my arm which is preventing me from doing any strenuous activity or heavy lifting.

In another blog, I listed many ways I can be creative when I do not have the motivation to do arts and crafts but what if I don’t feel motivated to do anything? What could be causing this lack of motivation?

I am not feeling exhausted, I will say that today I seem to have a lack of happiness, I don’t want to say I feel sad because I’m not sure I do but I’m not feeling happy either and I can’t pinpoint as to why. This lack of positive energy is what I believe is keeping me from feeling motivated.

I find myself zoning out, I’ve been trying to look through the streaming services for something to watch and so far I’ve just been “Channel Surfing” without being able to decide what I’m in the mood to watch. I’m also feeling a bit anxious today, it;s not overpowering but it’s there and I can notice it. I guess we can call this feeling melancholic?

Sometimes these feelings or moments are just hard to explain, especially when there are no reasons for them. How can you tell someone you are feeling sad but you can’t tell them why.

So I’m going to do what I usually do on days like this, I’m going to go to my husband and demand a hug. More often than not this alone dispels the blues. After that, I will either do something or watch something that I know makes me happy to further counteract the melancholia, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if I accomplished anything or not because tomorrow will be another day.

I have found over the years that if I’m not feeling motivated I should not force it because then whatever I put out will not be my best.