
The Quest to Fulfill a Promise Made

Today a promise was fulfilled.

At the beginning of this year my husband made me a promise that I would be able to pick up a backup of my flocked Christmas tree because he understood how much this tree makes me happy and that no tree will last forever.

Now that Halloween is almost here and the holidays is just around the corner Home Depot has already begun to put their Christmas decorations with the added frustrations that due to shipping delays world wide their stock would be limited this year and stock may not be replenished.

After checking online which store had the tree I wanted in stock I headed to the store during my lunch break to buy the tree. This tree will more then likely sit in our garage for many years until the other one becomes frayed and worn out but the idea was to have the backup because 5 or even 10 years from now Home Depot may not even sell that tree anymore.

And so the promise my husband made to me since last Christmas has been fulfilled and it makes me happy that I can enjoy the current tree knowing that many years from now I will still be enjoying it.

See below for my original post to talks about why the tree makes me so happy.

January 2, 2021

I’ve already had my happy moment for today so anything else on top of that would just be icing on the cake. I have an artificial Christmas tree that I bought a few years ago from Home Depot. For many years we always bought a real tree as it was our preference and my husband thinks artificial trees are an abomination.

We walked into home depot one day for some supplies and as we walked through the store my sight was instantly focused on the most beautiful tree I had ever seen. The tree had instantly brought me joy just to look at it. It was difficult to describe but my gaze could not pull away from it. The way it was flocked with fake snow and the way the colors of its lights twinkled and danced.

I believe I spent the next week trying to convince my husband to let me get it with the condition that we still get a real tree as well. So I bought it and set it up right after Halloween that year. It was so lovely that to this day I do not decorate it with ornaments and it only has a small handful of ornaments that I felt did not take away from the tree.

So every year it goes up right after Halloween, of course like any tree with fake snow flocking it sheds just a little bit each year. I try to be as gentle with it as I can when putting it up and taking it down and so far it has not shed enough to become a problem but it will eventually.

So far Home Depot has sold that tree every year since I purchased mine, but even with that said my husband this morning came to the conclusion that might not always be the case, things come and go and items can be discontinued.

So without any provocation whatsoever he has proclaimed that I need a backup tree.

This is when while sitting in our library sipping our morning coffee tears came unbidden to my eyes. He understands. He understands how much joy and happiness something as frivolous as a Christmas tree brings me. He knows that to me what now signifies the start of the holiday season is putting up that tree. He understands that time will require for it to eventually be replaced meaning that we can’t risk it being discontinued.

That tree to me is a physical manifestation of my joy and happiness during the holidays that literally shines it’s light into the darkness.