
The Quest to Continue Spring Cleaning

I have not been as diligent with my Spring Cleaning as I should have been the last few months, mostly because I have not had time and it was not on the top of my list of priorities.

I decided today to at least get the winter clothes put away while also doing a clothing purge, I still have a lot more to do but at least that was completed today and I also started picking up the garage, I let it get messy the last few months as I was working on the Stargate.

I did start to create a packing list for the Galactic Starcruiser, I have a small to-do list left for the trip I should be able to get everything done before the trip. we have two weeks until we go on vacation and we are getting really excited.

It’s funny, when you are busy and it feels like you don’t have enough time the days and weeks fly by, but when you are counting down for something you are waiting for the days and weeks seem to drag.