
The Quest to Provide an Update on My New Years’ Quests

I have a confession to make, although I was in the office today and had a productive day I also ended up spending a rather large amount of time today looking at gaming tables.

I know that one of the Quests that I set myself this year was to possibly get a gaming table. I had set this as one of my more unrealistic quests as gaming tables are not cheap but it may be a possibility after all.

So of course the last few days I have been doing research, looking at different sites, and figuring out what I want in a gaming table. Gaming tables range from very simple, to gaming table toppers and also elaborate tables with tons of accessories.

As I am not in a rush to get a table right this second I can be patient in my search until I find exactly what I am looking for. So far I have narrowed it down to a few options. Companies like Wyrmwood are out of the question as their tables are way out of my price range and I honestly don’t like them all that much.

One option looks promising but it will be a crowd-funded campaign and I won’t see the table until early next year. Another option looks just like what I’m looking for but is also bumping up against my budget and would leave me with no wiggle room. There is also a table topper option for half the cost, it’s nice but also not quite what I was hoping for.

As for the rest of the Quests I want to complete this year.

Read more in our Library – Honestly have not focused on this just because we have not had the time.

Start a Vlog for Happy Bunny Tales – Also have not had time for this, I’m hoping things will calm down in a few months,

Declutter and organize the house – Work in progress

Continue working towards being debt-free – Also work in progress, on track, and even moved up the schedule by about half a year.

Purchase or find a way to make my own custom gaming table for tabletop gaming – Might happen, might not, depending on my options.

Do some Landscaping in the yard – Complete but will be an ongoing project