
The Quest to Take Space Travel to The Next Level

Well, this has grown a bit bigger than expected, it all started when my hubby said that his biggest disappointment with the Galactic starcruiser was not the ship, or the food, the crew, or the experience. It was the passengers. when 50% of the passengers are in shorts and T-shirts it takes away from being able to fully immerse in the story.

I came up with the thought wouldn’t it be nice if we attended a sailing of the Halcyon with only hardcore Star Wars fans that would be in cosplay 100% of the time. My hubby said that would be a brilliant idea. So we created a Facebook group to do just that. I at least wanted to see if there would be any interest in such a thing.

In two days we had over 100 members all agreeing that this would be an amazing trip and an awesome way to enhance the experience. I set a future date of at least a couple of years to allow folks to save up and make costumes.

The logistics I am sure will be a nightmare but I will leave most of that to whichever travel agent will be willing to work with us on this trip. This could be the beginnings of a very epic trip.