Mental Health

The Quest to Assess and Take Stock

It’s been over a week since my last post, I kept telling myself I need to post but in the end, life was getting in the way and I am only now remembering.

The last week and a half have been extremely busy and filled with both fun and frightening moments. It all started with a routine Doctor’s exam which ended with steroid shots in both my elbows, to spending time with friends, and finally having a very busy work week derailed by Hurricane Ian.

Let me start with the Hurricane, while we are all safe and no apparent damage was done to our property there were other parts of Florida hit very hard and our thoughts go out to all those impacted by the storm.

I think for me at least the emotional rollercoaster of the last week and a half has left me just a bit drained and I am hoping things will settle down to allow all of us to just catch our breaths. Spending time with friends last week helped us all to unwind and decompress a little.

As for my elbows, that will have to be another post.

In the end, we have a trip coming up which should allow us to rest and relax and it’s something that we desperately need.