Happy Bunny Tales-

Mental Health-


Happiness Journey 2024

Entering the sixth year of my Happiness Journey, I’ve come to understand its endless nature, akin to the timeless expanse of the cosmos. For those who haven’t been part of this journey from the beginning, allow me to share insights gleaned over the years and the motivations that ignited this quest.

In 2018, I set out on a challenge: a daily Facebook post for a year, redirecting my focus towards the positive aspects of life. Through this journey, I unearthed profound truths about the sources of my happiness and the essence of joy.

While negative events still occurred, I discovered that positive reinforcement diminished their impact. As 2018 concluded, I celebrated meeting my challenge, only to realize later that I should have persisted. Ceasing my “Happy posts” allowed negativity to regain ground.

In 2019, my focus waned, riding the wave of positivity from the previous year. Then came 2020—a tumultuous time for many—filled with uncertainty and anxiety. It was the unwavering support of loved ones that guided me through the darkness.

By 2021, I resumed my Happiness Journey in earnest, journaling daily to maintain focus on joyous moments. Though 2022 brought its share of ups and downs, maintaining a positive mindset became second nature, with negative days becoming rare occurrences.

In 2023, while I continued daily journaling, blogging became burdensome, leading to unfulfilled promises. I realized my inclination to explore various artistic endeavors, accepting the fluidity of creativity.

Now it’s 2024, June just started and almost half the year is gone. While I thought 2020 was unprecedented with loss and fear it pales in comparison to the start of this year. And while there has been immensly negative and overwhelming moments this year it is also looking up in so many other ways. Only time will tell how this year will end…

Negativity manifests differently for each individual, from life-altering challenges to self-imposed anxieties. Recognizing these nuances, I acknowledge personal responsibility in managing their impact.

However, I recognize that mental health struggles transcend mere positivity, requiring empathy and understanding. Thus, I extend patience, a listening ear, and a comforting shoulder to those navigating their own battles.

Through this blog, I continue my Happiness Journey, sharing moments of joy and vulnerability. Life’s richness encompasses both light and shadow, and by embracing both, we pave the path to lasting happiness.

I invite you to join me on this journey, sharing your joys and struggles, as we navigate the intricacies of life together. While not a mental health professional, I offer insights from personal experience, advocating for the importance of self-care.

So, who else is ready to embark on their Happiness Journey? Let us navigate the darkness, together illuminating the path to fulfillment.