I have recently started seeing a chiropractor, requiring three visits a week for the first month, plus daily at-home exercises. On top of that, I’ve been reflecting on how to improve our family’s eating habits and tackling the countless tasks that keep our household running smoothly all while dealing with a senior dog who isRead More
Being Creative
Crafting a Prismatic Christmas Wreath: Adding Iridescent Magic to Our Holiday Décor
As I began decorating our home for the Christmas season over the weekend, I decided to add a unique, personal touch to our outdoor décor—a new Christmas wreath! Inspired by the prismatic iridescent theme that I’ve loved over the past few years, I wanted to create something that would complement the shimmering look of ourRead More
Happy Bunny Tales-
Mental Health
Embrace the Magic of a Cozy Christmas: Simple Tips for a Relaxing Holiday Season
Each year, I tell myself that this will be the year for a truly relaxing and cozy Christmas. But somehow, as the holidays approach, it only seems to get harder—whether it’s dealing with loss, a hectic schedule, or just the pressure that comes with the season. This year, more than ever, I need that peacefulRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
Why the Galactic Starcruiser Was More Than Just a Hotel: A Journey We’ll Never Forget
In past posts, I’ve often struggled to fully capture what the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser experience meant to me—and to so many of us. It was more than just a hotel stay; it was a unique, deeply emotional adventure. Recently, JP from Double Crit Fail released a video about his time aboard the Galactic Starcruiser.Read More
Happy Bunny Tales
How a Family Emergency Made Me Miss Halcy-Con but the Community Made Me Feel Like I Was There
We came so close to attending Halcy-Con, but a family medical emergency changed everything. The car was packed, and we were ready to leave on the day of departure when the situation took a turn for the worse. While I was disappointed, my family came first—they needed me. It was hard not to feel theRead More
Bunny Health-
Mental Health-
Surviving the Storm: How This Year Tested My Strength and What I’ve Learned
Another month has passed, and this year continues to hit me hard when I least expect it. In just the past few weeks, I’ve lost someone who felt like a second father, almost lost my mom, missed Halcy-Con that we’d been so excited to attend, endured two hurricanes in as many weeks, and had toRead More
Happy Bunny Tales-
Being Creative
Halcy-con: Keeping the Galactic Starcruiser Magic Alive
In less then 2 weeks my husband and I will be attending Halcy-Con A 2-Day Super Fan Event for those who loved the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser. This will be a great oppurtunity to relax and see friends I have not seen in a while. Even though the Galactic Starcruiser no longer sails through theRead More
Bunny Health
Knowing Change is Needed: The Struggle to Find Where to Start
While setting up Halloween decorations rekindled my spirit for the season, it didn’t exactly make me feel good physically. Oddly enough, it wasn’t from assembling heavy décor, climbing ladders, or constantly bending over. No, I managed to pull a muscle by simply stepping on a tree root the wrong way. That little mishap reminded meRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
How I Rekindled My Halloween Spirit
Let me start by giving a huge shout-out to my friends and family for helping me reignite my Halloween spirit this year. My mom spent the day tagging me in photos of my past decorations, which brought back great memories. My husband, on the other hand, not only took me on a trip to HomeRead More
Mental Health-
Where Has My Halloween Spirit Gone?
Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. I loved going all out with decorations, inside and out, and every year I probably spent more than I should have adding to my collection. But over the past few years, I’ve noticed a shift. I’m not buying as many new decorations, I’m purging the old ones withoutRead More