Today has been another real busy day at work which will probably leave me no time to work on my personal projects again but today something is different. The past couple of weeks I’ve been taking some training at work in regards to effective challenge, meaning how I can more effectively drive the way IRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Build a Stargate
I’ve been spending the last few days reinforcing the four Stargate sections and I am starting to put together the Chevrons. I am also adding the metal plates that will allow me to attach the sections together. Work has been getting a bit busy lately so I may have issues finding time to work onRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Perform Maintenance on the Castle
Our castle is over 15 years old now, we got in pre-construction back in 2006 and it is now that time when things that were brand new when we moved in are now requiring maintenance or need to be replaced altogether. A couple of years ago we had to replace the Central air system andRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Not Let the Giant Fluffy Red Panda Overwhelm Us
So last night I watched the most adorable movie I have seen ever, Turning Red. The film is about a young girl who discovers that when she loses control of her emotion she turns into a giant fluffy red panda, and she has to learn how to stay calm or else risk being discovered. EssentiallyRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Get the Most Out of My Sunday
Today has been such a productive day. My husband and I made sure we had no plans today and made a point to ensure that we did not have to go out for anything today so we had plenty of time and no excuses to catch up on our projects. I was so happy toRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Spend Time with Loved Ones
Today was a wonderful day, not just because it was Saturday and not just because I got to work on my Stargate today but because today we were able to spend some time with family we have not seen since before the start of the pandemic. Being able to finally all get together during moreRead More
Mental Health-
Being Creative
The Quest to Feel Better and Be Productive
Today my aches and pains are a lot better, I’ll be honest yesterday I felt odd. Most days my lower back will hurt for a little while until the muscles release but yesterday my lower back muscles started to spasm and then the pain radiated out to my hips, my upper back, my neck, andRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Make My Artistic Plans For the Rest of The Year
Now that Syfy Bartow is finished I want to begin making plans for the rest of the year. I have so many projects I want to work on and while some may have deadlines others do not. I want to start working regularly on my resin art pieces and not just rush to get aRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Fix My Site… Resolved… Hopefully
It’s been 4 days but finally, my site is back up and I can publish to my blog again. Even though my site has been idle the last few days I on the other hand have not. So much has happened in the last several days and even though I did journal about my activityRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Build a Stargate…Chevron 4 Encoded…
It’s official I now have all the 3D elements completed for the Stargate build, not only did the last of the glyphs arrive but I also cut out all the backplates for them out of craft foam and mounted all 39 of them. The following are the remaining steps: Cut our the ring sections. (DecidedRead More