Mental Health

Having Peace of Mind Comes in Many Forms

Peace of mind comes in many forms. It can be through financial stability, setting up an alarm for your home, or even being able to have reliable transportation.

I think the most important form of peace of mind right now for all of us is knowing we are safe from COVID and knowing that there is an end in sight to come back to some form of normalcy.

This week my husband and I were presented with an opportunity to get our first vaccine shot. Even though the wait was long and our arms are currently sore we now have the peace of mind that we took a huge step to be protected from this pandemic.

That night we went to bed with the knowledge that we will be getting our second shot in the next few weeks and by May we will be fully vaccinated. Even though we will continue to do our due diligence, wear our masks, and social distance I feel like soon we will be able to eat at restaurants and even go back to Disney parks.

What gives you peace of mind?