
Riding the Happy High of the Second Vaccine Shot

Well, today was the day, my husband and I received our 2nd COVID Vaccine shot and I have been riding on a happy high all day even though knowing full well by tomorrow I might be feeling really under the weather. As I see it, it’s a small price to pay for being almost completely protected against COVID.

In a way, I feel like the Pandemic is over for us, after the two weeks are up my household can return to some form of normal. I think in many ways the pandemic will never be over, especially for those who have lost people. I think as we begin to venture back out into the world the way we do things and the way we behave will have changed forever.

One of the things my hubby is most looking forward to is going to the movies, he really missed the movie theater experience most of all. For me it will be getting back to the Disney parks, I have always loved being there as it is my way to disconnect and destress.