
Our Mom’s are the Biggest Hero’s of All

We talk all the time about our quests and being the Heros of our own story but what about our moms?

My mom is a hero, she is always there for me and made many sacrifices herself to give me and my brother the best things in life. Life for her had its ups and downs and at times were not easy and were downright hard. She is my hero because she always persevered against adversity and did whatever she needed to do to protect her family.

So this post goes out to all the mothers out there, and to all of the different kinds of moms out there. To those moms who adopted, to those who raised a sibling, to those blessed with two moms, to those whose moms were not there for them but in turn had kids and were always there for them. And let’s not forget those single dads who wear two hats.

Thank you all, we appreciate you and you are loved.