
The Quest For a Quick Roadtrip

Today I am super happy because of one small thing.

Today I planned on driving to a friend’s house about an hour away to pick up a dress they helped me acquire. I already knew my husband had a lot of things he wanted to get done today and I also know he didn’t really want to leave the house and I will fully admit that I gave him a full-on pouty face and asked him to come with me because I didn’t want to drive by myself.

And even though he gave me a nice long sigh of defeat he decided to join me so I would not have to drive alone. Personally, I like nice long drives with him in the car as we almost always spend the time chatting about whatever we have going on with our projects or whatever we happen to be feeling or frustrated with. Even though we are almost always together we still tend to be busy and we use this time to catch up.

And as to the dress I was picking up Disney just came out with this beauty.