
The Quest to Catalog All of Our Antique and Vintage Books.

Today was a lot of fun, I spent the entire day playing the part of a Librarian.

I started around 8 am and worked until about 5 pm but managed to complete an inventory of all 187 of our antique books. With the exception of a handful of books, all of our antique books are over 100 years old with the oldest ones dating from 1779.

I do plan on also cataloging our non vintage books but those are not as much as a priority.

About halfway through and after his tasks were done my hubby joined me to finish up the other half of the books of which I was grateful for because my tennis elbow was acting up and I did not want to carry any more books.

With the inventory complete I can now work on typing up all of the cards for the card catalog without having to do it straight from the books. Going through this process today was fun because it reminded me of some of the amazing books we’ve picked up over the years and I can’t wait to read them.

Now that we have a digital inventory that is on the cloud we will always have access to our collection while we are out treasure hunting for other antique books.