
The Quest to Do as Little as Possible…Not Trying to Be Lazy

Keeping my post short today as I am going to try to minimize using my right arm as much as possible. I reinjured my tennis elbow and was able to get a Cortisone shot today but of course, that means my arm will be hurting like the dickens for the next few days.

So I’m going to cut back on repetitive motions which means no painting, no video game playing, and definitely going to stay away from having to type all day.

2 thoughts on “The Quest to Do as Little as Possible…Not Trying to Be Lazy

  1. Michelle Moons

    Remember gentle stretches and water. 🙂 be proud of yourself for listening to what your body needs!

    PS found you at the heroes journal Facebook group.

    1. amanet17

      I’ve been learning a lot the last few months about very mindful of my body, especially my physical limits.

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