
The Quest to Enjoy Some Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream

My arm still hurts but not as much as yesterday. Today we finally got to try the chocolate ice cream I started to make yesterday. The cocoa powder and chocolate chips I ended up using were Ghiradelli chocolate and it came out so amazing and rich. I don’t think I’ve ever had chocolate ice cream this amazing before.

Making homemade ice cream really does beat any store-bought ice cream, everything seems to be more flavorful and richer tasting. I’m not a total health food nut but some things when made with fresh ingredients from scratch just taste better, and making homemade ice cream is not hard at all.

I do wonder what else I can make from scratch that will be healthier for us. I have always wanted to try to make my own pasta. For a person who is not a health food nut, I do feel like store-bought products have way too many additives and preservatives in them.

Things made from scratch with fresh ingredients in my opinion just taste better, and it’s not so bad that they can also be a little healthier for you.

What have you guys made from scratch that you love? I know I want to try to make pasta and I want to get better at bread making.