Mental Health

The Quest to Go Watch Black Widow

I put together a fun little video that I hope I can release this week if Youtube corporates, in the meantime it really is nice to be getting back out again and it is feeling like things are getting back to normal.

We went to go see Black Widow today and it was the first time I have seen a theater that full since the pre-pandemic times. I still think precautions are needed when necessary but being fully vaccinated does help. I also know that the pandemic has made me more vigilant and mindful about my surroundings.

I’ll probably be even more cautious at fan conventions or concerts and especially when in crowded indoor situations, I won’t miss any flu shots or other vaccinations I can get. If I catch a cold I’ll wear a mask. I’ll probably always have hand sanitizer with me.

With all that said go see Black Widow, not just because we need to support the movie theater industry but because it’s a fantastic film. This has been a film long in coming in the Marvel universe. It was not only jam-packed with action (I love seeing Black Widow kick butt) but it was also surprisingly witty and funny.