Mental Health

The Quest to Obtain Wisdom and to Pass it On

This past weekend served as a spiritual and mental rejuvenation.

I not only feel refreshed mentally but I also feel inspired on many levels. I came out of the retreat feeling at peace that I am on the right track with my own mental health and I hope my experiences may have helped and inspired others. All we can do as we strive to become better versions of ourselves is to help each other.

Wisdom is such a powerful thing, as we work on ourselves and we trudge to the mud, learning, taking steps back, and moving forward we pick up wisdom along the way. Some wisdom comes from friends, some from unexpected places, some you learn from yourself while some come from God.

I feel that as we grow ourselves it is our duty to pass on the wisdom we learn. Wisdom is also the recognition that everyone will be receptive, your wisdom may not help everyone, and don’t feel slighted or disappointed if wisdom is not accepted. I myself have received wisdom that either did not work for me or I chose not to listen to at the time. Also, not all wisdom is meant for us.

As I wrap up this post it’s mid-afternoon and I am already starting to feel a bit run down, it’s to be expected after the retreat that ended late on most days, my husband is also weary as allergies have made things a bit rough for him. So we are going to wrap up the rest of our day by relaxing and resting, tomorrow we will wake refreshed and ready to tackle the world.